Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sometimes he just gets my ire up...

he being Kiera's biological.

He left her 2 months ago, and we haven't heard from him since.... so being the nice person that I am, I send an email to make sure he is okay...

My email: "just checking in... in her whole 10 years, the only time you've not called regularly was when you were in jail. Not there again are ya? :o) Let us know that you're alive & well and not incarcerated :o) (Please hear that I AM joking... Rick gave me a 'look' like I was being bad!)"

Short and sweet, right? :o) And bitchy, but still... I guess I should be nice though, his wages are being garnished like clockwork! :o)

His response: "No, not incarcerated, just a bit down. I have been thinking about calling for weeks now, but I don't for some reason. I don't want to sadden her by my bad attitude. Work has us on 20% pay reduction pretty much permanently and my finances are now a mess so I am distracted. (... insert boring crap here...) So, I'll call now that I'm busted, so to speak. Or, if you want to make my year, have her call me. I know hearing her voice will cheer me up, even with the world going somewhere in a handbasket fast."

Really, he wrote that. Now maybe I should feel bad, a 20% reduction is pretty big... but he makes $60K (or more!) a year! So they took $1000 a month from him and he is still bringing home $4000 a month (just him and his girlfriend). Rick got a pay cut, too... we bring home $1600... for the 5 of us! (sob sob sob LOL talk about full disclosure!) :o) I'm okay with it honestly, we're doing fine... though sort of regretting our iPhones (which we're now in contract with! Grrr).

So Kiera called tonight, after her telling me that she didn't want to and why should she have to. (I'm such a proud mommy! LOL) No clue what went on in the conversation, but here is what she said when she got off the phone

Kiera: "Wow! We were on the phone for 8 minutes and 5 seconds!"
Me: "He didn't want to talk to me?"
Kiera: "No, he said he had to go, the Lakers were on and they might win."

Yup, he got off the phone with his daughter (who he says he misses and please have her call me to cheer me up) so he could watch the Lakers game. And before I could stop myself, I shot off a quick email...

My email: "Should have seen the eye roll when I suggested she call LOL She's got quite an attitude on her.

I tried to feel sorry for your work issues, but you still make more than we do... nearly 3 times as much since they cut Rick's pay. :o) See I can sob story, too :o)

Hope the Lakers won."

Oh yeah, I'm a bitch. Rick said I shouldn't have sent it, but I don't think it will do me much harm. He said in his email he wanted to talk to her, and then he chose not to.

I'm over it... but I totally had to vent. Sometimes he just upsets me so much. And in the end, I don't even know why... Kiera has many times asked why she has to have 2 dads when she is happy with the one she has. Why can't I just let it go....

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