Thursday, January 22, 2009

I've been reading...

anything and everything I can get my hands on these days. Really I've been reading like that for as long as I can remember. I learned to read when I was 4. I can actually remember reading The Fox & the Hound (the Disney book club version) to my mom waaaay back then! :o)

Today, my tastes run a little more... adult, but not in the dirty sense! LOL Though I have been known to read my fair share of romance novels... I LOVE the Christian 'Love Inspired' books! :o)

Yesterday I finished reading Goofy Foot by David Daniel. Not a book I'd normally pick up, I just don't know the author... but I was looking for a book and my oldest spotted the title and giggled. "Goofy Foot? That's silly!" I picked it up, liked the cover art and the inside flap writing. Its a mystery, and I THOUGHT it'd have surfing in it... not really. But still good, and had me guessing even! :o)

The book I had been looking at was Tough Cookie by Diane Mott Davidson. This book is what you would call a 'culinary' mystery... its got recipes in it! :o) I found this author by way of looking at books by one of my favorite authors these days, Joanne Fluke. She also writes 'culinary' mysteries :o) Love them... good writing AND good food!

I'm also a big fan of Christopher Moore... I can't wait until Fool goes on sale! I started reading him when I was in high school back in Cambria, CA. I couldn't get enough! He used to live in the area, knew my momma from the Post Office (she used to work at the Cambria PO, now Postmistress in San Simeon... sweet!). Met him at a book signing for his book, Lamb. He signed a couple of my other books of his... I'm forever in love with him now! LOL If you like... odd?... check him out!

Off to soothe my screaming children who wish I'd have made something better for dinner... happy reading... who's YOUR favorite??


Suzanne said...

I've read all of the Diane Mott Davidson books. The recipes are great, but I've never made one (big surprise, right?). :)

At the moment I'm reading The Charlemagne Pursuit by Steve Berry. That was my Christmas gift card to B&N. So far, so good.

But I can't come up with a favorite author. There are just too many books that I like....

Anonymous said...

Hello, I like reading, although with 9 dc it is hard to find the time.