Monday, February 16, 2009

I have the coolest husband...

he bought us tickets to go see the Newsboys next month. I've wanted to see them since forever :o)

We used to live in San Luis Obispo, CA, and one day, while driving somewhere (we drive a lot) we saw this big white blow-up tent-like thing and there were lights... LOTS of spotlights dancing all over the sky. We had no clue what it was, but wanted to be there. We couldn't be there, but we found out the next day that the Newsboys had put on a concert.

At that point, I wasn't even a Christian. I had HEARD of them, but never HEARD them. Rick, was a fan... he was more bummed than I. NOW I look back and I am so bummed LOL

I was looking for concerts here in town at the Broomfield Event Center, but wasn't finding anything. The very next thought in my head was, "I wonder if the Newsboys are coming to Colorado this year?" I looked, and l0 and behold, they'll be at Cherry Hills Community Church, in Highlands Ranch, CO on March 17th. St. Patrick's Day :o) I mentioned to Rick that I was bummed that we couldn't go... to which he replied, "Why not?" Then he told me that I always ruin his surprises! LOL

He had told me last week that we needed to save about $50 for my birthday/Valentine present. The tickets were my present. He could have just agreed with me :o) But I'm glad he didn't... now I'm super excited! :o)

If you have never heard the Newsboys and are wondering why I love them, check out their MySpace page with your volume on... give it a moment to load the page and their streaming music will come on. I love their new song In the Hands of God... its got a great beat and a great message, too! :o)

Well, I'm off to watch Phineas & Ferb get busted... :o)

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

so lucky! I *love* them in concert!! And on my birthday no less.... wish I could join you!