Monday, August 3, 2009


... I've always taken mine for granted. Rick's too, until he was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes a few years ago. We're STILL trying to figure out how to eat right in regards to diabetes!

I was reading an article from the Sunday Denver Post about a little girl that was abducted and presumed dead, sucky subject in itself. But what caught my attention was that the girlfriend of the accused died not that long ago, she was 33, and she died of heart disease. I'm 30, and my mortality scares the crap out of me. Those of you that really know me already know this :o) It is my one greatest fear, the fear that makes me afraid of so many other things. I can trace it back to when my grandma passed away, oh so many year ago... not long after the nightmares started, and only recently have they started to be fewer and further between. Thank God for THAT!!! :o)

So this brings me to my taken-for-granted health :o) Though I've always been overweight, I've always been really healthy... perplexed the crap out of most doctors LOL Even while pregnant with each of my girls, they just KNEW I'd have gestational diabetes (never had it, though they treated me like I did with Abigael) and that I'd have the hardest recovery after my C-sections (with Emmaline, I was up and walking in less than 6 hours... that's fast!).

For more than the last year, I've had ice-pick-through-my-brain headaches and CRAZY whoop-de-doo dizziness... and my doctor in California said it was sinuses. Here in Colorado they ran blood tests and pretty much came up with the same thing... but my blood tests came back with high cholesterol and bad HDL & LDL levels, and I keep having high blood pressure in the office (but I think that it just because I get anxious going to the Dr... and can you blame me with my test results? LOL)

So now I have to figure out how to eat well. And, another one of those things that perplexes my doctors, I don't eat all that badly!! :o) I do need to start getting out of the house, since I don't have access to a car anymore, I guess walking will be my preferred mode of transport... that's a good thing, right? :o)

Those of you who know me know that when faced with a question or a problem, I read... so I'm off to find a website or a book that will help me figure out what to fix for diabetic/heart-healthy diet. Preferably something that doesn't taste like cardboard :o) Recipes are welcome; you can post them here, on Facebook or you can email me.

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