Sunday, August 23, 2009

Always in the right place...

at the right time :o)

Rick's time tow trucking has been put to good use, again :o)

Last night we were on our way to Subway for dinner. As we were pulling into the lot we passed a car with a flat, and we parked near it... it was right in front of the Subway shop. As we're getting out of the car, the lady with the car is saying, "I think I have a jack, but I'm not sure". Well, of course we have a kick-butt jack :o) So, we're unloading the girls and I ask her if she wants to use our jack... she was totally grateful. Rick brought the jack over and proceeded to help jack up the car and then got the cross lug wrench out... because the guy she was with was using the crappy one that came with the car :o)

Rick was so good about this part :o) He loosened the lugs for the guy, and then stood back and let him change the tire. Not because he didn't want to, but because they guy wanted to... and I thought that was so cool. Rick is so used to guys standing back and watching him change the tire... too many stories about heading out in the middle of the night to change the tire for a carload of 20-some age guys. That would irk me, too LOL

So we load up the jack and wrench, say good night and head into Subway... feeling very happy to have helped the people. About 5 minutes later, the lady walks in with a bottle of wine and gives it to Rick. We're not wine drinkers, but it will be used in a couple spritzers tonight :o)

And she had a baby with her... knowing that he was able to help her out and get her on her way just made my night. AND it showed the girls that lending a hand is a wonderful and welcome thing.

This is the 2nd or 3rd time an opportunity like this has come across since we got to Colorado. Not sure if its the Lord's way of saying that he should go back into tow trucking (which he loved, just not the hours) or if He is just showing us that it wasn't time wasted :o) Either way, its an awesome feeling.

I hope the Lord places someone in 'the right place' for you today :o) Or maybe YOU in the 'right place' for someone else :o)

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

just catching up on my blog reading...

Isn't that the COOLEST thing?? How God ALWAYS uses things for hi glory? Even the things we would sometimes rather forget??

Hugs to that Rick for me!