Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Only Kiera...

My girl has the oddest luck. To the point where the phrase, "Only Kiera" comes out of our mouths at LEAST once a week! Seriously. She hates it. "Why do these things always happen to ME?" she wants to know. I just don't know!

Yesterday, she was standing next to the breakfast bar, not doing anything. In a flash, there is a loud bang/bump sound and she is crying... what the heck just happened?! I think she must have gone to lean over something, but she smacked her forehead into the corner of the cabinets that hang over the breakfast bar!


Rick and I have been going through boxes and putting them in our newly constructed storage shed (WOOHOO!). In one of the boxes, Rick found a folded up piece of paper that he set aside to look at later. I found it first. :o) It was a story Kiera had written from 2nd grade. Now keep in mind that this is a TRUE story, and this is EXACTLY, down to the spelling, what she wrote...

Seagull Attak
It was lunch. I was putting down the lunch buket. I left the bucket down then I walked away then turned around and a seagull had my sandwich. I ran then it flied away. Ms. Brown saw me running after the seagull. Then she walked over to me and said, "Was that your sand which." I said, "yes, and that was all I had for lunch. She giggled then took me to the cafaterea. Then she said, "A seagull took her sandwhich." "ok." Said the cafaterea lady. SO I had hot lunch for lunch. It was bean chulupa. I will never forget that day.
The End

Seriously. It happened! LOL I remember that day so well. I went to pick her up and she was getting in the car and she said, "A seagull took my sandwich today." **insert double-take here**
Me: "A WHAT did WHAT today?" LOL
Kiera: "A seagull took my sandwich. And I ran after it, yelling for it to drop my sandwich and give it back to me."
Me: "Did it drop it?"
Kiera: "No, it flew away."
Me: "What did you do about lunch?"
Kiera: "Ms. Brown saw me running after the seagull and she took me to get hot lunch in the cafeteria."
Me: "Was it a good lunch at least?"
Kiera: "YES! It was a bean chalupa!"
Me: "Well, at least you got to eat lunch. Maybe you should keep your sandwich in your lunch bag when you put away the bucket."
Kiera: "Yeah. Stupid seagull"

LOL She is such a funny girl. I've got more 'only Kiera' stories... I'll share another soon. :o)

1 comment:

Chris2fer said...

I know how you feel. Have you met Calista? Must be something in the water around SLO...